Songs of the Phoenix in Your Language

Friday, July 17, 2009

Voices of the Earth - To the Water

We all know you, we all need you... you, are as necessary as the air and as well as the Earth, you are also a mother. Without you, we could not live.You born, into thousands of drops curled up until being fused forming energy that you transform in light that clarifies …you are life for the beings who feed the beings… deep and neverending oceans. When your drops separate… they maintain its interval following the same direction… like so many birds together joining in its flight… dancing… and sweet times coming as crystalline curtains from the rain sky… falling on its pools… exploding in crystal water -flowers. You have remained in my memory… as something transparent… like a river that ruge there down threatening…. like the liquidity that our thirst al all moments...always calms.

To the Water

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