Songs of the Phoenix in Your Language

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I Arrive almost behind schedule,
but there I found you, hidden among all those forms …
that are not seen at first.
You were, several forms at the same time;
vibrant wind, light plasmations…
darker image emphasizing in the penumbra…
gigantic shades that finished in the sky…
fire circles…. flames traspassing me….
with the brightness, that reveals all the conceals.



  1. I have a question about your poetry. Personally it is very interesting, but what I was wondering do you take/create the pictures and write about them or do you just find them? If so where, because I am a poet and I would like to try this.

    BTW check out the blog plz

  2. Hi...sorry it took me kind of long to answer...the
    drawings are made by a young Artist...Joseph Bican...the rest of the images, some are pictures I've got from friends...the others are taken from the follow the link. Thank you for reading.
