Songs of the Phoenix in Your Language

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Poetry and Phillosophy

In all the human cultures, we found a tendency to express the knowledge by means of a language had with beautiful forms, that constitutes the poetry. This one has as fundamental preoccupation the harmony of the expressed forms, whereas the philosophy tries to explain the essence of the things by its causes. A poet, expresses the truth more when he is authentic, but than to go exclusively to the race, does to the intuition and the feeling, approaching the truth of a general feeling in the human being… received in intuition sparks and moving fibers of our feelings. Therefore, an express poet of shining way his knowledge and feelings through his poetry, and not only those of him, but such feelings and thoughts of the people who have seen, and of a whole town in if, its ideals, failures, their fears and so that not to say it, reflects the idea that they have of themselves, of the world and the divinity. A clear example we found it in the Hispanic cultures, in which a interpolación notices of which properly it constitutes the philosophical knowledge, since it is expressed through literary forms, very elaborated and refined in which we discovered a song or poem that contains in himself the intuitions of the thinker, but whose truth frequently weakens the same essence of the thought to give preference to the expression of its beauty. As well as Profetas and Celtas hacian. The poetry we framed it within the Literature that like all human testimony and no more abundant shooting of facts, contains data on events, the historical slight knowledge, data, the most precious indications on our “inner dwellings”, since it represents the most exact manifestation of the phenomena of deep conscience. Literature, with all its beauty, can and must be mentioned before the court of history or the right, like a testimony of the philosopher, body of experimentation, of the wise person. Thus we found, for example: A conception of History in the Greek Iliad, an outline of marine Geography in the Odyssey, the relation of Meteorology and Agriculture in Hesiod, Dante the Cosmography of its time, the national idea in the Poem of the Mine Cid, the theory of the honor in Lope de Vega and Calderón de la Barca, Chemistry in Aldous Huxley, and because to discard it, the Nahuatl thought in its “Flower and Song”.
For the Nahuatl thinker, the firmest way to approach the knowledge of the truth is through the “Flower and Song”, that is, in the observation of the natural forms like harmonious essential expression of life and beyond. For that reason, for the Nahuatl man, the poet is also, a possessor of the truth.


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